Illustrations by: Joost Fluitsma
Sand nOURishment strategies
for sustainable Coastal Ecosystems
SOURCE stands for Sand nOURishment strategies for sustainable Coastal Ecosystems.
The SOURCE research project tackles an important societal problem addressing coastal flood safety in concert with other societal demands of our coastal zone, such as space for recreation, provision of fresh water and reversal of biodiversity loss.
The impact of our project is to provide society with better, scientifically founded methods to assess and balance these multiple demands for coastal zone managers, nature conservationists and policy makers.
The outcomes of the SOURCE project are scientifically well-founded and socially-accepted eco-friendly sand nourishment strategies to adapt our coast to the anticipated accelerated sea-level rise, providing sustainable coastal ecosystems and flood defenses.
The SOURCE research project started in February 2024 and is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) within the Research along Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC) funding round (NWA.1518.22.133).
The transdisciplinary and user-oriented project was applied by University of Twente (lead), Deltares, Utrecht University, Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University, Wageningen Marine Research, HZ University of Applied Sciences and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
The potential for impact is safeguarded by the involvement of Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) – our key stakeholder responsible for implementing Dutch national coastal policy.
The SOURCE consortium and all co-funders and partners will join forces to co-create new eco-friendly coastal nourishment strategies. This ensures practically-relevant scientific research and acceptance of new insights and solutions.
Latest news
Stakeholder workshop in Zeeland
Together we are taking care of a futureproof and sustainable coast.
New researcher: Laura Piedelobo Martín
Our second researcher has started at the HZ University of Applied Sciences. Welcome, Laura Piedelobo!
Merlijn Hulsenboom started her PhD research
Welcome, Merlijn Hulsenboom, to the SOURCE research team!