Six-year research SOURCE on multifunctional sand nourishment strategies honored

Six-year research SOURCE on multifunctional sand nourishment strategies honored

Photo by: Erik Horstman

Southwest Delta, 19 October 2023

The Area Consultation Platform of the Southwest Delta is pleased that the SOURCE research project has been honored as part of the National Science Agenda (NWA). One of the Living Labs of the project is in the Southwest Delta. …

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Large NWO-ORC award for research into sand nourishments for a climate-proof coast

Large NWO-ORC award for research into sand nourishments for a climate-proof coast

Photo by: Rijkswaterstaat, taken from:

University of Twente, 10 July 2023

A NWA-ORC grant of 5 million euro for the research project SOURCE: Sand nOURisment strategies for sustainable Coastal Ecosystems was awarded to Jebbe van der Werf (Faculty of ET, Marine & Fluvial Systems). This 6-years project will deliver knowledge & tools for sand nourishments strategies to adapt the coast to accelerated sea-level rise. …

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