For you
Sea-level rise seriously threatens coastal areas globally. Sand nourishments are the addition of sand to increase the beach volume. They are potentially a key method to sustainably adapt to seal-level rise and keep the low-lying hinterland protected against coastal flooding.
The SOURCE project will deliver the scientific knowledge, predictive models and design tools to develop and evaluate nourishment strategies. We will do this together with input from various stakeholders. These carefully planned sand nourishments will create the required and desired resilient and dynamic multifunctional coastal landscapes of the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
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What are sand nourishments?
The artificial supply of sand near or on the beach to counteract coastal erosion. The nourishment sand is usually taken from an offshore site.
How does sand nourishment work?
The nourished sand is either placed directly on the beach or transported to the beach by waves and currents. As the same time, nourishments can shelter the beach against wave action. Both processes lead to wider and higher beaches. This effect is temporary as the nourishment impact decreases over time.
What is being examined in SOURCE?
We examine the nourishment life-time, fate of nourished sand and the effect on small organisms living in the sand. This gives insight in the impacts on the coastal functions safety against flooding, nature and recreation. We develop different methods to determine the social costs and benefits, and interactive ways to co-create nourishments. This results in socially-accepted sustainable nourishment strategies that lead to resilient multifunctional coasts.
What do I notice from SOURCE?
We will construct an innovative nourishment at Ameland in 2025, following by an extensive monitoring campaign to learn from this so-called Living Lab. Together with other innovative research, this will allow us to protect our beloved coast against an increasing sea-level.
You will occasionally see ships passing by, first for the construction and later for measuring the development of the nourishment. You may also encounter researcher working on the beach to measure the effects of the nourishment further onshore.