Our first researcher has started at the HZ University of Applied Sciences. Welcome, Yara Maljers!

Yara introduces herself below.

“My name is Yara Maljers. As part of the HZ research group Building with Nature, I work as a cultural anthropologist. Our team does research on developments within the domain of Nature-based Solutions.

My main focus is the impact of technological and ecological measures in coastal zones on society. More specifically for SOURCE I question: What can scientists and stakeholders learn from local knowledge and the communities’ unique perspective on spatial quality?

As an anthropologist, my research methods are mainly qualitative, a rare but valuable contribution within this type of projects. I will focus on one coastal community in the Living Lab in Zeeland and go in-depth to find out how we can co-produce knowledge useful for sand nourishment strategies. This knowledge will be compared to another coastal community on the Belgium coast or the Holland coast.”


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