Research team
Muhammad Yudha Pradama
PhD WP 3.3
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
To be filled (2025)
Post Doc WP 2.2
Wageningen Marine Research
To be filled (2025)
PhD WP 2.4
University of Twente
Management team
Project supervision
Geert Campmans
Leader WP 2.4
University of Twente
Joost Kranenborg
WP 2.4
Trang Duong
WP 2.4
University of Twente
Suzanne Hulscher
WP 2.4
University of Twente
The SOURCE project was applied by University of Twente (lead), Deltares, Utrecht University, Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University, Wageningen Marine Research, HZ University of Applied Sciences and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Moreover, the consortium includes 25 (inter)national partners from government organizations, research institutes, industry and NGOs. The close link with the wide range of stakeholders in SOURCE fosters collaboration and uptake of the results within the project lifetime and afterwards.
Project Advisory Committee
A Project Advisory Committee (PAC) is formed which will be consulted for advice regarding the project. This committee consists of representatives from the consortium, supplemented with independent members. The meetings will be held annually, and are chaired by the Project Leader.
The PAC consists of the following members:
Evelien Brand – Rijkswaterstaat
Malenthe Teunis – Waardenburg Ecology
Jaak Monbaliu – University of Leuven (Belgium)
Aart Kroon – University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Saskia van Vuren – Delta commissioner (DC)
Annelies Bolle – IMDC (Belgium)